Zero-VAT comes into force on the 18th


The measure expires at the end of October.

It was published today the diploma that proceeds with the transitory application of VAT exemption to certain food products.

It comes into force on 18 April 2023 and runs until 31 October 2023.

Compared to what was initially proposed, the plant-based drinks and yoghurtsand dairy products, produced from nuts, cereals or preparations of cereals, fruit, vegetables or cereal products, and dietetic products for enteral nutrition and gluten-free products for coeliac patients.

Peas have moved from the category pulses to vegetables and legumes.

Thus, between April 18 and October 31, imports and transfers of the following foodstuffs are exempt from VAT:

Cereals and derivatives, tubers:


Potatoes in their natural state, fresh or chilled;

Pasta and similar dry pasta, excluding filled pasta;

Rice (husked, milled, polished, glazed, parboiled, broken);

Fresh or chilled, dried, dehydrated or frozen vegetables, whether or not pre-cooked:

  • Cebola;
  • Tomate;
  • Couve-flor;
  • Alface;
  • Brócolos;
  • Cenoura;
  • Courgette;
  • Alho Francês;
  • Abóbora;
  • Grelos;
  • Couve portuguesa;
  • Espinafres;
  • Nabo;
  • Ervilhas

Frutas no estado natural:

  • Maçã;
  • Banana;
  • Laranja;
  • Pera;
  • Melão

Leguminosas em estado seco (ou seja, estão excluídas as que se vendem em latas):

  • Feijão vermelho;
  • Feijão frade;
  • Grão-de-bico


  • Leite de vaca em natureza, esterilizado, pasteurizado, ultrapasteurizado, fermentado ou em pó;
  • Iogurtes ou leites fermentados (NOVO);
  • Queijos

Carne e miudezas comestíveis, frescas ou congeladas de:

  • Porco;
  • Frango;
  • Peru;
  • Vaca

Peixe fresco (vivo ou morto), refrigerado, congelado, seco, salgado ou em salmoura, com exclusão do peixe fumado ou em conserva:

  • Bacalhau;
  • Sardinha;
  • Pescada;
  • Carapau;
  • Dourada;
  • Cavala;
  • Atum em conserva.

Ovos de galinha, frescos, secos ou conservados.

Gorduras e óleos:

  • Azeite;

Óleos vegetais diretamente comestíveis e suas misturas (óleos alimentares);

  • Manteiga.

Bebidas e iogurtes de base vegetal, sem leite e laticínios, produzidos à base de frutos secos, cereais ou preparados à base de cereais, frutas, legumes ou produtos hortícolas.

Produtos dietéticos destinados à nutrição entérica e produtos sem glúten para doentes celíacos.

The transactions referred to above shall give rise to the right to deduct the tax levied on goods or services acquired, imported or used by the taxable person for their implementation.

Please be advised that the products to be commercialised must mention the following VAT exemption code (which must be created in the invoicing software):

M26 – VAT exemption, with the right to deduct in the food basket (invoice mention) – Law 17/2023, of 14 April


Law n.º 17/2023 – DR n.º 74/2023, Série I de 14.04.2023

Parliamentary Decree 41/XV, of 06.04.2023

Proposed Law no. 70/XV/1.ª (GOV) – final text, 04.04.2023

Draft Law 70/XV[Governo], 28.03.2023

Golden Executive – Consultores, Lda | Technical Advisory Department

This text is merely informative and does not exempt the reading and interpretation of the supporting legislation in force, as well as for taking any decision or action that may affect your assets or business you should consult Golden Executive – Consultores, Lda.